Report Import

If you have previously exported a report, you can import it back into the application. This is useful if you want to share a report with someone else or if you want to import a report from another device.

Importing a Report

Importing a report is easy. Follow these steps:

1. Click on the File/Open/Import... menu item. Import Report
2. Select the file you want to import from the open file dialog.
3. Click on the Open button to import the report. Import Report
When the report is imported, it should get displayed in the application right away. Once imported, you can notice that the report is in a dirty state, meaning that you can now officially save it.

Import Report
You can save the report using the Report/Save menu item or by hitting the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut.

Custom Expressions

The imported report also imports custom expression columns. Sharing reports is a great way to share custom expressions. Custom expressions are explained in the Custom Expressions section.

Tracking History

When you import a report, the tracking history from the original report is also imported. To view the tracking history of the imported report, go to the Wallet tab.

Import Report

Report Location

The report gets imported into your user session folder. By default, you can find the user session folder in the following location:

  • MacOS: $HOME/Wiimag Inc/Wallet/reports
  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Wiimag Inc\Wallet\reports

Any further edits won't affect the imported file.

Example Reports

For your convenience, here are the content of the and files that were imported:

Enjoy importing and sharing reports!